Instrument Control and Data Acquisition Software – Clarity
Clarity Screenshots

The Clarity window is the entrance point to individual chromatography systems. Depending on the configuration users can acquire data from up to 32 detectors configured on four independent Instruments.

The Instrument window is the control center of the entire process of data acquisition and evaluation. It includes an information table displaying the processed sample: name, applied template method, acquisition mode, etc. The status line indicates the current state of the analysis: elapsed time and state. The analysis-processing diagram provides icons for fast access to every step of the entire analytical procedure.

The Chromatogram window displays the chromatogram and results. Users can easily edit acquired chromatograms visually in the graph or through the Integration Table.
The Result tables (Results, Summary, Column Performance, etc.) can be readily customized to display the data exactly as desired.
The Summary tab displays data from overlaid chromatograms in one table for simple comparison.

The Calibration window has two main screens, a global calibration table and dedicated tabs for each compound (shown in the screenshot)
The compound tabs contain a table with concentration levels matching the response with calculated amount, and a calibration curve.
Any point can be temporarily suspended in the graph, in which case the cross is changed to a circle.

The Sequence table can be easily edited. Using the “Fill Down” function, the user can quickly compose a sequence with many injections. The status of each row is indicated by the colored highlights for each sample.

The Device Monitor lets you control parameters of the instruments during analysis.

The Event table allows for control of digital outputs, the analysis, a sequence or to run a specified command based on events. These events might include a change of state of a digital input, signal level, analysis time, etc. The Colibrick A/D converter supplied by DataApex provides digital outputs that can be used for Start synchronization with other devices. These outputs can also be controlled from the Event Table.